Yeshua Ha'Mashiach
- A Messianic Ministry serving the Metro Atlanta area
678 639-3377, email:
Evangelism, Discipleship & Teaching Scripture in it's
Jewish Context
Praised are You, ADONAI our G-d, King of the universe,
Who gives the Torah of truth and the Good News of
Salvation to His people Isra'el and to all peoples
through His son Yeshua the Messiah, our L-rd.
Jesus didn't have Blue eyes & Paul didn't eat pork are signed by Derek
Jesus Didn't Have Blue Eyes:
Reclaiming Our Jewish Messiah.
160 pp., 2004.
Jesus Didn't Have Blue
Eyes: Reclaiming Our Jewish Messiah
Jesus did not come to start a new
religion. Jesus did not come to take us away from Judaism, at least not
the Judaism taught in the Hebrew Bible. Jesus came to take Judaism to
the next level.
As we examine the life and teachings of
Jesus with an eye for the Jewish context behind all that he said and
did, we will better understand who Jesus is.
See his humanity as well as his
Understand why he did the things
he did.
Renew your love for the Bible
Jesus read.
See Israel through Jesus’ eyes.
Understand the words of our
rabbi and Messiah.
Cameron's Recommendation:
5 of 5
Fantastic - Restores teaching of Yeshua (Jesus) as a Jew!
This book does what few books can do,
it challenges us to redefine our understandings of core doctrines and
beliefs in Scripture.
Yeshua (Jesus) was fully a Torah observant Jew, and contrary to today's
teachings by many, taught His talmidim (disciples) to observer the
Torah. He was born a fully Jew, and He died fully a Jew.
A worthwhile book that will change the way you see Yeshua (Jesus).
Jesus Didn't Have Blue
Eyes & Paul Didn't Eat Pork - Save $2.00
Now! $14.95 - $2.00 less than Amazon
Paul Didn't Eat Pork: Reappraising
Paul the Pharisee.
155 pp., 2005.
Paul Didn't Eat Pork: Reappraising
Paul the Pharisee.
Was Paul the inventor of Christianity? Did he leave
Judaism to join a new religion? Have you been reading the New Testament
as the Jewish book that it truly is?
carefully at the life and message of Paul will reveal a much more Jewish
New Testament than commonly realized. The result could be revolutionary
as you see deeper layers to our wonderful faith in Jesus, the Jewish
Messiah. Some surprising facts about Paul include:
remained a Pharisee his whole life.
studied under one of history’s most famous rabbis.
continued offering sacrifices at the temple after faith in Jesus.
continued to observe Israel’s holy days.
continued to expect circumcision for Jews.
kept not only biblical laws, but also Jewish traditions.
explained the cross as God canceling Torah’s death-curse for
Cameron's Recommendation:5 of 5
Thought Provoking! - Did Paul intend to start a new religion?
This book challenges us to
thoughtfully look at scripture anew. Did Paul intend to start a
new Religion? Or did He want to build on the Rich Religion of the
Forefathers, Abraham, Issac & Jacob.
Paul was a Torah observant Jew, a Pharisee of Pharisees. Did
he renounce all that is Jewish when he followed Messiah. This
writing shows that Paul, contrary to what many currently teach, continued to
live a fully Jewish lifestyle, and encouraged others to do the same.
A book that will change the way you see Paul, and Yeshua (Jesus).
Walking with
174 pp
Picture an infant trying to walk. Shaky and unsteady, the infant
takes baby steps so it doesn’t fall and hurt itself. As it grows, it’s able to
take bigger steps so it can explore and succeed in its world. There is a
parallel to this in the life of a Messianic believer.
If the new believer doesn’t take baby steps, he or she is
likely to stumble many times, while growing up. Sometimes the damage from these
falls delays maturing in faith. Thankfully, Derek has written an excellent book
to help a new believer know how to take the beginning steps in the spiritual
Cameron's Recommendation:5 of 5
Get book for understanding the fundamentals of the Messianic Faith.
This book helps the new believer get started
on the narrow road, explaining key concepts and doctrine.