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Rabbis who believe in Yeshua
Reggie White Messianic
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Who Killed

Who killed Yeshua (Jesus). Many
try and blame the Jews, but it was not the people of Judah.
Was it:
A Roman appointed High Priest that
took Him to the Romans, demanding His death
The mob who cried
"crucify" Him
Pilate, who finding Him innocent,
still had Him crucified
The Roman soldiers who cruelly
scourged Him & nailed Him to the execution stake (cross)
Adonai, who demanded a perfect
sacrifice, to save us from sin?
The answer is, all had a part in
crucifying Yeshua. But the real answer is: Yeshua went of His own accord,
obedient to the Father, loving us. Dying on that cross to pay for your and
my sins! If Yeshua had not died, then we would be condemned before G-d.
But because He died, and G-d accepted His perfect sacrifice, we can now come
before G-d justified (without sin).
Who killed Yeshua? It wasn't the
Jews, or the Romans, it was me, and you. He gave His life to save us.
Shalom, Cameron MMin.
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Hebrew Root
MAN-NA - Messianic
Alliance of North America (new)
Union of Conservative
Messianic Jewish Synagogues