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Prison Outreach"I was in prison, and you visited me." Matt 25: 34-40 Yeshua (Jesus) made a very direct statement about visiting those in prison. He said that if we visited inmates, it was as if we had visited Him in prison. Strong words, showing the heart of G-d. We all are sinners, and those on the outside of prison are no better than those on the inside in G-d's eyes. You can be free, but still in the prison of sin. You also can be in prison, but free, with Yeshua. G-d is no respecter of person, no one is "good enough" to get to G-d. Yeshua is the only way to G-d. So we go into the Prisons to share the Good News, that they can be free, in Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus). Remarkably, people in prison are more open to the Gospel, then someone out on the street who "has it all" and think they are a "good person". Bill Glass Ministries is our primary outreach for prison. Each year over 40,000 inmates made decisions for Messiah. Of those 40,000 that receive follow-up, 94% will not return to Prison. This is compared to an 80% return rate without receiving Messiah. Prison Ministry like all evangelism is a team effort. One plants, another waters, but G-d gives the increase. Platform speakers (sports stars, entertainers & others) and the Bikers are the draw. The counselors are the evangelists. Reaching each one, one-on-one, with the message that Yeshua is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Pray the L-rd of the Harvest brings forth laborers. If your interested in learning more about Prison Ministry send us an E-mail or go to Champions for Life (Bill Glass Ministry). |