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Motorcycle Ministry
Why motorcycles? Why have long hair, a pony tail, and earring? Why the jeans and leather? These are the questions people ask (openly or in private) about the Motorcycle Ministry. Fact is, over 5.5 million people have street legal motorcycles, and many 100,000's more have dirt bikes. Bikers (and motorcyclists) share a common desire for freedom, and it is this desire that leads them to ride. Of the 5 million+ riders, less than 50,000 are your "outlaw bikers" (thus the 1%'er designation). Bikers are some of the best folks you'll ever meet, ready to help out someone in need. Stereo types have labeled them as "hooligans". Many of these rough looking guys and gals are doctors, lawyers, professionals, law officers, and veterans. We were taught as kids to "not judge a book by it's cover", yet we do it everyday. Jesus said "I came to seek the lost". He ate with sinners and only condemned the "religious" folks who thought they were better than everyone else. These guys and gals are the very people Jesus came to save. And our job is to take the Gospel to them, in love. Why motorcycles? - It provides a tool to establish a common ground with people. Bikers ride bikes. Prisoners, youth & kids love bikes. All these groups allow us to be part of their lives through the bike, giving us permission to share the love of Jesus with them. (Click to enlarge) Why the beard, long hair, and earring? Paul said, "I will become all things, to all people, so that I might save some". The look separates us from the "church" crowd that often in the past has looked down on the very groups we want to minister to. Jesus himself would have had long hair and a beard. Jeans and leathers are protection from the hot parts of the bike, and God forbid, an accident.