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Weekly Drash - Vayigash
Compliments of First Fruits of Zion Parashat HashavuahVayigash - ויגש : “And came near” The Revelation of JosephThought for the Week:“When Joseph declared, “I am Joseph,” the masterful plan of God became clear to his brothers. Their questions were answered. All that had happened over the last twenty-two years fell into perspective. So, too, will it be in the time to come when God will reveal Himself and announce, “I am the LORD.” The veil will be lifted from our eyes and we will comprehend everything that transpired throughout history.” (Chofetz Chaim) Commentary:
Genesis 45:3. Joseph’s revelation to his brothers foreshadows the messianic redemption to come. For more than two decades, Joseph’s brothers had lived in a state of anguish and remorse. They were responsible for their brother’s exile and their father’s suffering. Now everything seemed out of kilter. Somehow, the Egyptian viceroy’s cup had been found in their midst. They were about to lose Benjamin and break their father’s heart again. They were humiliated in the eyes of the Egyptians, accused of theft and spying, helpless under the irrational whims of a Gentile ruler. Meanwhile, their families were near to starvation. The whole world was coming apart around them. It must have seemed that God had utterly abandoned them. But when the Egyptian ruler declared, “I am Joseph,” everything changed. The veil was lifted, and all the puzzle pieces fit together. Everything became clear as God’s master plan fell into place before their eyes: Joseph’s reconciliation with his brothers can be understood as a prophetic pattern for Messiah’s ultimate reconciliation with Israel. There will come a day when Messiah will reveal His identity to all of Israel, but it will be done in His own time and on His own terms. At first his brothers did not believe that he was really Joseph. In a similar way, Yeshua has been so misrepresented to Israel that it is currently inconceivable for many devout members of Israel to accept the notion that He might be Messiah. It is hardly even conceivable that Yeshua was a Jew at all. As with Joseph, the truth will one day be made manifest by Messiah Himself. The revelation of Joseph brought a moment of sudden clarity to the brothers. So too the revelation of Messiah. When that day comes, the scales will fall from all of our eyes and we will perceive God’s hand at work in all events. We will finally understand the long separation and concealment. We will understand the events of history. Our many troubles and sorrows will be lifted as we perceive the sovereign hand of God in all of these things. This is how it will be in the day of King Messiah when He reveals Himself to His brothers and to all the world, as Scripture says, “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him,” (Revelation 1:7) “that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God.” (Romans 3:19)
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FFOZ's Weekly e-Drash is based on our popular Torah Study
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