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Weekly Drash - Miketz
Compliments of First Fruits of Zion Parashat HashavuahMiketz - מקץ : “At the end” Exaltation of MessiahThought for the Week:When Joseph correctly interprets Pharaoh’s dream, Pharaoh asks his court, “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?” (Genesis 41:38) Pharaoh says to Joseph, “There is no one so discerning (binah, בינה) and wise (chokmah, חכמה) as you are.” (Genesis 41:39) The Hebrew terms binah and chokmah (“understanding” and “wisdom,” respectively) are characteristics associated with the Holy Spirit in a variety of biblical texts. These are also apt descriptions of Messiah, in whom the Spirit of God dwells fully. Commentary:
Like Joseph, Messiah is filled with the Spirit of God, manifest in wisdom and understanding.
In the story of Pharaoh’s exaltation of Joseph, we may discern a picture of the exaltation of Messiah. The Master teaches that “the greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” (Matthew 23:11–12) In the kingdom of heaven, what goes down must go up. This is well illustrated in Joseph’s life. He was the greatest among his brothers, but he was reduced to being a servant. Because Joseph descended to the lowest place, he was exalted to the highest place. Joseph’s descent into Egypt can be likened unto the descent of the soul of Messiah. Like Joseph, He took “the form of a bond-servant” and “humbled Himself.” (Philippians 2:7–8) Joseph lost his princely place in his father’s household and found himself a slave and a prisoner, the lowest estate possible. The same might be said of the Master. But from that low estate, Pharaoh highly exalted Joseph to a station over all Egypt. Regarding Yeshua, Scripture says, “For this reason also, God highly exalted Him.” (Philippians 2:9) If Joseph may be likened unto Yeshua, who is exalted from a low estate to a high estate, Pharaoh may be likened unto God, who so exalted Yeshua. Pharaoh gives Joseph his signet ring. A signet ring (like Judah’s seal in the previous portion) represents the authority of the name it bears. By giving Joseph his signet ring, Pharaoh gives Joseph the authority of his own name. In a similar way God exalted Yeshua “and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name” (Philippians 2:9); that is, His own sacred name. As Joseph goes forth, criers run before his chariot, saying, “Bow the knee!” (Genesis 41:43) God exalts Yeshua “so that at the name of Yeshua every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” (Philippians 2:10) Pharaoh gives Joseph authority over his own household, saying, “You shall be over my house.” (Genesis 41:40) In a similar manner, Yeshua is over the house of God. Pharaoh gives Joseph authority over everything in Egypt. So too regarding Messiah. God has put all things under Him. “For He has put all things in subjection under His feet.” (1 Corinthians 15:27)
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