Items of
What's New
Fundamentals of Messianic beliefs - Part 3
Notes: Understanding Messianic Beliefs Slide 4
Important Elements of the Faith #1
Death on Stake only paid for those who trust in Him
•Restoration of Israel
•Name of G-d (YHVH vs Jehovah)
•Shabbat (Is Sunday the new Sabbath?)
•Mitzvah (Commands) – 613, 120-130 still applicable
•Feasts of Adonai - – Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Shavuot, Yom Toruah,
Yom Kippur, Sukkot
•Covenants (Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Yeshua)
•Hebraic Thought -
– Synagogue / Church
– Communal Worship
– Non-dualistic (earth, marriage, Faith)