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YHMM / CBHM Bookstore

Complete Jewish Bibles & Commentaries

Complete Jewish Bible
Why is this Bible different from all other Bibles?
Because it is the only English version fully Jewish in style and
presentation. It includes Dr. Stern's new version of the "Tanakh" ("Old
Testament") and his highly acclaimed "Jewish New Testament."
The Complete Jewish Bible:
- follows the Hebrew Bible order of the Tanakh's
books, the order with which Yeshua (Jesus) was familiar
- makes no separation between "Old" and "New" Testaments
- corrects misinterpretations in the New Testament resulting from
anti-Jewish theological bias
- offers the original Hebrew names for people, places, and concepts,
using easy-to-read English transliterations
- focuses on Messianic prophecy
- gives the traditional weekly and holiday synagogue readings, plus
relevant readings from the "B'rit Hadashah" (New Testament)
- reconnects Christians with their Jewish roots and
the Jewish people
- connects Jews with the Jewishness of Messiah Yeshua and Messianic
Available in:
Hard Cover - $35
Leather - $60
Cameron's Recommendation:
A bible like no other, restoring the correct order, phrases, and
meaning. |

Jewish New Testament Commentary
Jewish New Testament
- The Torah (Law of Moses)--is it in full force today? Yeshua
(Jesus) said, "Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah... I have come
not to abolish, but to complete." What did he mean?
- Sha'ul (Paul) wrote, "All Israel will be saved." Was he
speaking of all Jews? Messianic Jews (Jews who believe Yeshua is the Messiah)?
The Church? Who is Israel?
- Why did Yeshua juxtapose the saying, "Do not store up for
yourselves wealth here on earth" and "The eye is the light of the body"?
Dr. David Stern, a Messianic Jew living in Jerusalem, speaks
to these and other issues in the Jewish New Testament Commentary. In this
companion volume to his widely read and highly acclaimed "Jewish New Testament,"
he offers an exciting and original way of understanding the New Testament from a
Jewish point of view
Cameron's Recommendation:
David Stern brings out the meaning of scripture in this commentary,
presenting multiple interpretations in an effort to clarify difficult passages. |
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Hebrew Root
MAN-NA - Messianic
Alliance of North America (new)
Union of Conservative
Messianic Jewish Synagogues