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613 Mitzvot
Times and Seasons, Dietary Laws, Business Practices,
Employees, Servants and Slaves

Each mitzvah is color coded, green
indicates the commandments that should still be followed, Yellow
indicates ceremonial law that applies to Jews, and can be followed by Gentile
G-d Fearers, Orange indicates the
commandment can no longer be followed. No highlight indicates it is
subject to debate.
Times and Seasons
- That the new month shall be
solemnly proclaimed as holy, and the months and years shall be calculated by
the Supreme Court only (Ex. 12:2)
- Not to travel on Shabbat outside
the limits of one's place of residence (Ex. 16:29)
- To sanctify Shabbat (Ex. 20:8).
- Not to do work on Shabbat (Ex.
- To rest on Shabbat (Ex. 23:12;
- To celebrate the festivals
[Passover, Shavu'ot and Sukkot] (Ex. 23:14) .
- To rejoice on the festivals (Deut.
- To appear in the Sanctuary on the
festivals (Deut. 16:16).
- To remove chametz on the Eve of
Passover (Ex. 12:15).
- To rest on the first day of
Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:7).
- Not to do work on the first day of
Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:6-7).
- To rest on the seventh day of
Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:8).
- Not to do work on the seventh day
of Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:8).
- To eat matzah on the first night
of Passover (Ex. 12:18).
- That no chametz be in the
Israelite's possession during Passover (Ex. 12:19).
- Not to eat any food containing
chametz on Passover (Ex. 12:20).
- Not to eat chametz on Passover
(Ex. 13:3).
- That chametz shall not be seen in
an Israelite's home during Passover (Ex. 13:7).
- To discuss the departure from
Egypt on the first night of Passover (Ex. 13:8).
- Not to eat chametz after mid-day
on the fourteenth of Nissan (Deut. 16:3).
- To count forty-nine days from the
time of the cutting of the Omer (first sheaves of the barley harvest) (Lev.
- To rest on Shavu'ot (Lev. 23:21).
- Not to do work on the Shavu'ot
(Lev. 23:21).
- To rest on Rosh Hashanah (Lev.
- Not to do work on Rosh Hashanah
(Lev. 23:25).
- To hear the sound of the shofar on
Rosh Hashanah (Num. 29:1).
- To fast on Yom Kippur (Lev. 23:27).
- Not to eat or drink on Yom Kippur
(Lev. 23:29).
- Not to do work on Yom Kippur (Lev.
- To rest on the Yom Kippur (Lev.
- To rest on the first day of Sukkot
(Lev. 23:35).
- Not to do work on the first day of
Sukkot (Lev. 23:35).
- To rest on the eighth day of
Sukkot (Shemini Atzeret) (Lev. 23:36).
- Not to do work on the eighth day
of Sukkot (Shemini Atzeret) (Lev. 23:36).
- To take during Sukkot a palm
branch and the other three plants (Lev. 23:40).
- To dwell in booths seven days
during Sukkot (Lev. 23:42).
Dietary Laws
- To examine the marks in cattle (so
as to distinguish the clean from the unclean) (Lev. 11:2).
- Not to eat the flesh of unclean
beasts (Lev. 11:4).
- To examine the marks in fishes (so
as to distinguish the clean from the unclean (Lev. 11:9).
- Not to eat unclean fish (Lev.
- To examine the marks in fowl, so
as to distinguish the clean from the unclean (Deut. 14:11).
- Not to eat unclean fowl (Lev.
- To examine the marks in locusts,
so as to distinguish the clean from the unclean (Lev. 11:21).
- Not to eat a worm found in fruit
(Lev. 11:41).
- Not to eat of things that creep
upon the earth (Lev. 11:41-42).
- Not to eat any vermin of the earth
(Lev. 11:44).
- Not to eat things that swarm in
the water (Lev. 11:43 and 46).
- Not to eat of winged insects
(Deut. 14:19).
- Not to eat the flesh of a beast
that is terefah (lit torn) (Ex. 22:30).
- Not to eat the flesh of a beast
that died of itself (Deut. 14:21).
- To slay cattle, deer and fowl
according to the laws of shechitah if their flesh is to be eaten (Deut.
12:21) ("as I have commanded" in this verse refers to the
- Not to eat a limb removed from a
living beast (Deut. 12:23).
- Not to slaughter an animal and its
young on the same day (Lev. 22:28).
- Not to take the mother-bird with
the young (Deut. 22:6).
- To set the mother-bird free when
taking the nest (Deut. 22:6-7).
- Not to eat the flesh of an ox that
was condemned to be stoned (Ex. 21:28).
- Not to boil meat with milk (Ex.
- Not to eat flesh with milk (Ex.
34:26) (according to the Talmud,
this passage is a distinct prohibition from the one in Ex. 23:19).
- Not to eat the of the thigh-vein
which shrank (Gen. 32:33).
- Not to eat chelev (tallow-fat)
(Lev. 7:23).
- Not to eat blood (Lev. 7:26).
- To cover the blood of
undomesticated animals (deer, etc.) and of fowl that have been killed (Lev.
- Not to eat or drink like a glutton
or a drunkard (not to rebel against father or mother) (Lev. 19:26; Deut.
Business Practices
- Not to do wrong in buying or
selling (Lev. 25:14).
- Not to make a loan to an Israelite
on interest (Lev. 25:37).
- Not to borrow on interest (Deut.
23:20) (because this would cause the lender to sin).
- Not to take part in any usurious
transaction between borrower and lender, neither as a surety, nor as a
witness, nor as a writer of the bond for them (Ex. 22:24).
- To lend to a poor person (Ex.
22:24) (even though the passage says "if you lend" it is
understood as obligatory).
- Not to demand from a poor man
repayment of his debt, when the creditor knows that he cannot pay, nor press
him (Ex. 22:24).
- Not to take in pledge utensils
used in preparing food (Deut. 24:6).
- Not to exact a pledge from a
debtor by force (Deut. 24:10).
- Not to keep the pledge from its
owner at the time when he needs it (Deut. 24:12).
- To return a pledge to its owner
(Deut. 24:13).
- Not to take a pledge from a widow
(Deut. 24:17).
- Not to commit fraud in measuring
(Lev. 19:35).
- To ensure that scales and weights
are correct (Lev. 19:36).
- Not to possess inaccurate measures
and weights (Deut. 25:13-14).
Employees, Servants and Slaves
- Not to delay payment of a hired
man's wages (Lev. 19:13).
- That the hired laborer shall be
permitted to eat of the produce he is reaping (Deut. 23:25-26).
- That the hired laborer shall not
take more than he can eat (Deut. 23:25).
- That a hired laborer shall not eat
produce that is not being harvested (Deut. 23:26).
- To pay wages to the hired man at
the due time (Deut. 24:15).
- To deal judicially with the Hebrew
bondman in accordance with the laws appertaining to him (Ex. 21:2-6).
- Not to compel the Hebrew servant
to do the work of a slave (Lev. 25:39).
- Not to sell a Hebrew servant as a
slave (Lev. 25:42).
- Not to treat a Hebrew servant
rigorously (Lev. 25:43).
- Not to permit a gentile to treat
harshly a Hebrew bondman sold to him (Lev. 25:53).
- Not to send away a Hebrew bondman
servant empty handed, when he is freed from service (Deut. 15:13).
- To bestow liberal gifts upon the
Hebrew bondsman (at the end of his term of service), and the same should be
done to a Hebrew bondwoman (Deut. 15:14).
- To redeem a Hebrew maid-servant
(Ex. 21:8).
- Not to sell a Hebrew maid-servant
to another person (Ex. 21:8).
- To espouse a Hebrew maid-servant
(Ex. 21:8-9).
- To keep the Canaanite slave
forever (Lev. 25:46).
- Not to surrender a slave, who has
fled to the land of Israel, to his owner who lives outside Palestine (Deut.
- Not to wrong such a slave (Deut.
- Not to muzzle a beast, while it is
working in produce which it can eat and enjoy (Deut. 25:4).
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Union of Conservative
Messianic Jewish Synagogues