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613 Mitzvot
Prophecy, Idolatry, Idolaters and Idolatrous Practices,
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Clothing, The Firstborn, Kohanim and Levites

Each mitzvah is color coded, green
indicates the commandments that should still be followed, Yellow
indicates ceremonial law that applies to Jews, and can be followed by Gentile
G-d Fearers, Orange indicates the
commandment can no longer be followed. No highlight indicates it is
subject to debate.
- To heed the call of every prophet in each generation, provided that he
neither adds to, nor takes away from the Torah
(Deut. 18:15).
- Not to prophesy falsely (Deut. 18:20).
- Not to refrain from putting a
false prophet to death nor to be in fear of him (Deut. 18:22).
Idolatry, Idolaters and Idolatrous Practices
- Not to make a graven image;
neither to make it oneself nor to have it made by others (Ex. 20:4).
- Not to make any figures for
ornament, even if they are not worshipped (Ex. 20:20).
- Not to make idols even for others
(Ex. 34:17; Lev. 19:4).
- Not to use the ornament of any
object of idolatrous worship (Deut. 7:25).
- Not to make use of an idol or its
accessory objects, offerings, or libations (Deut. 7:26).
- Not to drink wine of idolaters
(Deut. 32:38).
- Not to worship an idol in the way
in which it is usually worshipped (Ex. 20:5).
- Not to bow down to an idol, even
if that is not its mode of worship (Ex. 20:5).
- Not to prophesy in the name of an
idol (Ex. 23:13; Deut. 18:20).
- Not to hearken to one who
prophesies in the name of an idol (Deut. 13:4).
- Not to lead the children of Israel
astray to idolatry (Ex. 23:13).
- Not to entice an Israelite to
idolatry (Deut. 13:12).
- To destroy idolatry and its
appurtenances (Deut. 12:2-3).
- Not to love the enticer to
idolatry (Deut. 13:9).
- Not to give up hating the enticer
to idolatry (Deut. 13:9).
- Not to save the enticer from
capital punishment, but to stand by at his execution (Deut. 13:9).
- A person whom he attempted to
entice to idolatry shall not urge pleas for the acquittal of the enticer
(Deut. 13:9).
- A person whom he attempted to
entice shall not refrain from giving evidence of the enticer's guilt, if he
has such evidence (Deut. 13:9).
- Not to swear by an idol to its
worshipers, nor cause them to swear by it (Ex. 23:13).
- Not to turn one's attention to
idolatry (Lev. 19:4).
- Not to adopt the institutions of
idolaters nor their customs (Lev. 18:3; Lev. 20:23).
- Not to pass a child through the
fire to Molech (Lev. 18:21).
- Not to suffer any one practicing
witchcraft to live (Ex. 22:17).
- Not to practice onein (observing
times or seasons as favorable or unfavorable, using astrology) (Lev. 19:26).
- Not to practice nachesh (doing
things based on signs and portents; using charms and incantations) (Lev.
- Not to consult ovoth (ghosts)
(Lev. 19:31).
- Not to consult yid'onim (wizards)
(Lev. 19:31).
- Not to practice kisuf (magic using
herbs, stones and objects that people use) (Deut. 18:10).
- Not to practice kessem (a general
term for magical practices) (Deut. 18:10).
- Not to practice the art of a
chover chaver (casting spells over snakes and scorpions) (Deut. 18:11).
- Not to enquire of an ob (a ghost)
(Deut. 18:11).
- Not to seek the maytim (dead)
(Deut. 18:11).
- Not to enquire of a yid'oni
(wizard) (Deut. 18:11).
- Not to remove the entire beard,
like the idolaters (Lev. 19:27).
- Not to round the corners of the
head, as the idolatrous priests do (Lev. 19:27).
- Not to cut oneself or make
incisions in one's flesh in grief, like the idolaters (Lev. 19:28; Deut.
- Not to tattoo the body like the
idolaters (Lev. 19:28).
- Not to make a bald spot for the
dead (Deut. 14:1).
- Not to plant a tree for worship
(Deut. 16:21).
- Not to set up a pillar (for
worship) (Deut. 16:22).
- Not to show favor to idolaters
(Deut. 7:2) .
- Not to make a covenant with the
seven (Canaanite, idolatrous) nations (Ex. 23:32; Deut. 7:2).
- Not to settle idolaters in our
land (Ex. 23:33) (negative).
- To slay the inhabitants of a city
that has become idolatrous and burn that city (Deut. 13:16-17).
- Not to rebuild a city that has
been led astray to idolatry (Deut. 13:17).
- Not to make use of the property of
city that has been so led astray (Deut. 13:18).
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
- Not to cross-breed cattle of different species (Lev. 19:19) (according to
the Talmud, this also
applies to birds).
- Not to sow different kinds of seed together in one field (Lev. 19:19).
- Not to eat the fruit of a tree for three years from the time it was
planted (Lev. 19:23).
- That the fruit of fruit-bearing trees in the fourth year of their planting
shall be sacred like the second tithe and eaten in Jerusalem (Lev. 19:24).
- Not to sow grain or herbs in a vineyard (Deut. 22:9).
- Not to eat the produce of diverse seeds sown in a vineyard (Deut. 22:9).
- Not to work with beasts of different species, yoked together (Deut. 22:10).
- That a man shall not wear women's
clothing (Deut. 22:5)
- That a woman should not wear men's
clothing (Deut. 22:5)
- Not to wear garments made of wool
and linen mixed together (Deut. 22:11)
The Firstborn
- To redeem the firstborn human male (Ex. 13:13; Ex. 34:20; Num. 18:15).
- To redeem the firstling of an ass (Ex. 13:13; Ex. 34:20).
- To break the neck of the firstling
of an ass if it is not redeemed (Ex. 13:13; Ex. 34:20).
- Not to redeem the firstling of a
clean beast (Num. 18:17).
Kohanim and Levites
- That the kohanim shall put on
priestly vestments for the service (Ex. 28:2).
- Not to tear the High Kohein's robe
(Ex. 28:32).
- That the kohein shall not enter
the Sanctuary at all times (i.e., at times when he is not performing
service) (Lev. 16:2).
- That the ordinary kohein shall not
defile himself by contact with any dead, other than immediate relatives
(Lev. 21:1-3).
- That the kohanim defile themselves
for their deceased relatives (by attending their burial), and mourn for them
like other Israelites, who are commanded to mourn for their relatives (Lev.
- That a kohein who had an immersion
during the day (to cleanse him from his uncleanness) shall not serve in the
Sanctuary until after sunset (Lev. 21:6).
- That a kohein shall not marry a
divorced woman (Lev. 21:7).
- That a kohein shall not marry a
harlot (Lev. 21:7).
- That a kohein shall not marry a
profaned woman (Lev. 21:7).
- To show honor to a kohein, and to
give him precedence in all things that are holy (Lev. 21:8).
- That a High Kohein shall not
defile himself with any dead, even if they are relatives (Lev. 21:11).
- That a High Kohein shall not go
(under the same roof) with a dead body (Lev. 21:11) It has been learnt by
tradition that a kohein, who does so, violates the prohibition,
"Neither shall he go in ", and also the prohibition "He shall
not defile himself".
- That the High Kohein shall marry a
virgin (Lev. 21:13).
- That the High Kohein shall not
marry a widow (Lev. 21:14).
- That the High Kohein shall not
cohabit with a widow, even without marriage, because he profanes her (Lev.
- That a person with a physical
blemish shall not serve (in the Sanctuary) (Lev. 21:17).
- That a kohein with a temporary
blemish shall not serve there (Lev. 21:21).
- That a person with a physical
blemish shall not enter the Sanctuary further than the altar (Lev. 21:23).
- That a kohein who is unclean shall
not serve (in the Sanctuary) (Lev. 22:2-3).
- To send the unclean out of the
Camp of the Shechinah, that is, out of the Sanctuary (Num. 5:2).
- That a kohein who is unclean shall
not enter the courtyard (Num. 5:2-3) This refers to the Camp of the
- That the kohanim shall bless
Israel (Num. 6:23).
- To set apart a portion of the
dough for the kohein (Num. 15:20).
- That the Levites shall not occupy
themselves with the service that belongs to the kohanim, nor the kohanim
with that belonging to the Levites (Num. 18:3).
- That one not a descendant of Aaron
in the male line shall not serve (in the Sanctuary) (Num. 18:4-7).
- That the Levite shall serve in the
Sanctuary (Num. 18:23).
- To give the Levites cities to
dwell in, these to serve also as cities of refuge (Num. 35:2).
- That none of the tribe of Levi
shall take any portion of territory in the land (of Israel) (Deut. 18:1).
- That none of the tribe of Levi
shall take any share of the spoil (at the conquest of the Promised Land)
(Deut. 18:1).
- That the kohanim shall serve in
the Sanctuary in divisions, but on festivals, they all serve together (Deut.
- Not to pluck out the marks of
leprosy (Deut. 24:8).
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Hebrew Root
MAN-NA - Messianic
Alliance of North America (new)
Union of Conservative
Messianic Jewish Synagogues