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The Passion of
(The Christ)
Cameron MMin. CBHM
Jason (Assoc. MMin CBHM) and I had
the privilege to go and see The Passion of the Christ the night before
it's scheduled opening. This film has been surrounded by
controversy for over a year before it's release. We went with
mixed feelings: hopeful that as believers in Messiah, it would glorify
Adonai, but somewhat fearful as to the portrayal and reaction of our
Jewish brothers and sisters. Below are my thoughts and reaction to
this movie.
Controversy – Is the film Anti-Semitic or not historically or
scripturally accurate:
- A persons view of
Anti-Semitism is often subject to that persons perception.
Some parts of the movie showed the Temple guard in an
unfavorable light, and clearly Kayafas (Ciaphas), Yahuda
(Judas), and some members of the Sanhedrin were shown as
jealous, and power hungry. Yet these images are offset by
images of Jewish women crying for Yeshua's suffering, the image
of Simeon, and the young women trying to take water to Yeshua.
- Most parts of the film are accurate historically, but as with
the Gospel accounts, additional information is there that can
only be verified by scripture. While the resurrection has
not been verified according to "Historians", the
effects have been, the life of one "Man" (Jesus) has
changed the world. His disciples, who fled in fear,
changed in 3 days into men and women on fire, totally convinced
of the resurrection!
- While extra biblical sources were consulted, and some
"Hollywood Hype" added, there is nothing in this film
that contradicts the B'rit Hadasha (New Testament).
Kayafas was not a regularly chosen high priest, a Sadducee who
denied the resurrection, worried over Roman reaction to Yeshua and
His followers. Jealousy over the peoples reaction to Yeshua as
Messiah may have been a motivating factor. The Sanhedrin was
convened at night against Jewish Law, and all those speaking out for
Yeshua, or against the improper trail were rebuked.
Begins in the Garden, 12 hours before His death
Figure of Adversary (Satan) telling Yeshua he cannot bear the
sin of the entire world.
Agony of the decision and the weight of the world
's sin on Yeshua
Yahuda betrays Yeshua, disciples scatter
Temple Guards very rough in treating Yeshua
Thrown off bridge, chain on waist, not in scripture
Sanhedrin – Kayafas leads accusers, several try to defend
Yeshua, expelled
Yeshua declaration as I AM, son of man coming on the clouds with
all power, Kayafas tears clothes
Hand picked Kayafas mob takes Yeshua to Pilate
Pilate fears revolt or riot, believes Kayafas will start if
Yeshua not condemned.
Pilate questions, finds no fault
Mob demands crucifixion – Kayafas mob, does not represent all
Jews as some claim, for all of His disciples are Jewish!
Scouraging (whipping) – Romans sadistic
, seem to enjoy hurting Jews, very bloody scene. Some claim
soldiers were Jew's, this is not supported scripturally, and is
historically incorrect, Rome always used troops from another
country to prevent revolt and to ensure they would not side with
the population.
Miriam of Magdala – As she and Miriam mother of Yeshua clean-up
Yeshua's blood, remembers Yeshua and the crowd wanting to stone
Mob frees Bar Abas, demands crucifixion
Pilate washes hands of the matter
Yeshua carries execution stake (cross)
, falling many times, weight of the cross coming down on His back,
the Romans beating Him savagely
Simeon forced to carry cross, Jewish women calling for him to
help the Holy Man (Yeshua)
, Simeon is later called "Jew" in disdain by the Roman soldiers
Jewish woman attempts to bring Yeshua
water, Romans knock her away, she holds His blood stained
cloth to her as though it is the most precious item in the
world, which it is!
Nailing Yeshua to cross, it is Gibson's hand, when asked why,
Gibson said "My sins killed him"
Yeshua cries Abba (My Father or Daddy),
Forgive them
for they no not what they do, as the High Priest passes.
Thieves on cross
, one mocks, other asks Yeshua to remember him in His kingdom, and
Yeshua says "Truly, today you will be with me in Paradise"
Yochanan & Miriam
- even nailed to the cross, Yeshua lovingly places Miriam in the
care of Yochanan (John), as his mother, and he as her child.
Yeshua cries,
It Is finished (accomplished)
, the word means paid in full!
Spear in side
, shown as a massive spraying, hyped up for effect.
Temple split (not just the veil)
, only the veil was torn in scripture
The Resurrection – scene shifts to a sealed tomb, a golden light
floods the inside, grave clothes with a body inside, empty
before our eyes
Yeshua stands with the wounds in his hands clearly visible
! "Grave where is your victory, Death where is your sting",
"The grave could no longer hold The King!"
Only mature people
, not children should see this film, it is bloody, and the
Romans are cruel beyond imagination. Seeing how they
treated Jews, one can understand a little better the horror of
the Holocaust.
Very bloody
Very moving
- Worth seeing
Worth seeing
- each person calling themselves a believer, needs to understand
to price paid to redeem them from sin, and the horror that sin
will it accomplish:
I do not think those rejecting Adonai will be swayed by this
It will move those whose heart is open to the truth
It will force those sitting on the fence, playing church,
lukewarm, dead or dying, to decide what they really believe!
Yeshua said "I'd rather you be hot or cold, but not lukewarm,
therefore I'll vomit you out of my mouth. Lukewarm is a
form of religiosity, but with no life changing belief, denying
the Power of G-d! Luke warm is the condition of most
churches & believers today.
In the end, the real value is:
To force people to stop playing believer, and actually
become one!
To wake up the “church” from it’s slumber, and count the cost.
To confront the culture and open up real discussion about
Confront Anti-Semitism within the church, no one has the right
to blame the Jews for Yeshua's death, Yeshua (Jesus) was born a
Jew and all of the disciples were Jews. Christians must
wake-up and realize, there is no salvation apart from the Jews,
for scripture came by the Jews, The Prophets were Jews, and
Yeshua (Jesus) is a Jew!
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