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| | 613 Mitzvot
G-d, Torah, Signs and Symbols,
Prayer and Blessings, Love and Brotherhood

Each mitzvah is color coded, green
indicates the commandments that should still be followed, Yellow
indicates ceremonial law that applies to Jews, and can be followed by Gentile
G-d Fearers, Orange indicates the
commandment can no longer be followed. No highlight indicates it is
subject to debate.
- To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2;
Deut. 5:6)
- Not to entertain the idea that
there is any god but the Eternal
- Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in
Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16)
- To hallow G-d's name (Lev. 22:32)
- Not to profane G-d's name (Lev.
- To know that G-d is One, a
complete Unity (Deut. 6:4)
- To love G-d (Deut. 6:5)
- To fear Him reverently (Deut.
6:13; 10:20)
- Not to put the word of G-d to the
test (Deut. 6:16)
- To imitate His good and upright
ways (Deut. 28:9)
- To honor the old and the wise
(Lev. 19:32)
- To learn Torah and to teach it
(Deut. 6:7)
- To cleave to those who know Him
(Deut. 10:20)
- Not to add to the commandments of
the Torah (Deut. 13:1)
- Not to take away from the
commandments of the Torah (Deut. 13:1)
- That every person shall write a scroll of the Torah for himself (Deut.
Signs and Symbols
- To circumcise the male offspring
(Gen. 17:12; Lev. 12:3)
- To put tzitzit on the corners of
clothing (Num. 15:38)
- To bind tefillin on the head
(Deut. 6:8)
- To bind tefillin on the arm (Deut.
- To affix the mezuzah to the
doorposts and gates of your house (Deut. 6:9)
Prayer and Blessings
- To pray to G-d (Ex. 23:25; Deut.
- To read the Shema in the morning
and at night (Deut. 6:7)
- To recite grace after meals (Deut.
- Not to lay down a stone for worship (Lev. 26:1)
Love and Brotherhood
- To love all human beings who are
of the covenant (Lev. 19:18)
- Not to stand by idly when a human
life is in danger (Lev. 19:16)
- Not to wrong any one in speech
(Lev. 25:17)
- Not to carry tales (Lev. 19:16)
- Not to cherish hatred in one's
heart (Lev. 19:17)
- Not to take revenge (Lev. 19:18)
- Not to bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18)
- Not to put any Jew to shame (Lev.
- Not to curse any other Israelite
(Lev. 19:14) (by implication: if you may not curse those who cannot hear,
you certainly may not curse those who can)
- Not to give occasion to the
simple-minded to stumble on the road (Lev. 19:14) (this includes doing
anything that will cause another to sin)
- To rebuke the sinner (Lev. 19:17)
- To relieve a neighbor of his
burden and help to unload his beast (Ex. 23:5)
- To assist in replacing the load
upon a neighbor's beast (Deut. 22:4)
- Not to leave a beast, that has
fallen down beneath its burden, unaided (Deut. 22:4)
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Hebrew Root
MAN-NA - Messianic
Alliance of North America (new)
Union of Conservative
Messianic Jewish Synagogues