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Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) - Messiah, Israel & the Jewish People

Many Catholics, Protestants, Messianic Jews and non-Messianic Jews await to
see what Pope Benedict's (Cardinal Ratzinger)
position will be towards Israel.
Based on earlier writings we can ascertain
with considerable confidence that Pope Benedict will continue his predecessor's
(Pope John Paul II) open dialogue and acceptance of Israel and the Jewish
This confidence is based on the writing -
“The Jewish People and the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Bible,” issued by
the Pontifical Biblical Commission and authorized by the Vatican’s top
theologian, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
The report stated “the Jewish messianic wait is not in vain.” Jews and
Christians share their wait for the Messiah, although Jews are waiting for the
first coming and Christians for the second.
The document also contained an apology to the Jewish people for supposed
anti-Semitic passages contained in the New Testament, and also stresses the
continuing importance of the Torah for Christians. (Ed. the supposed
anti-Semitism occurred during translations and is not contained in a proper
understanding of the original inspired text).
Doctrinal differences have not been erased however, as the Christians &
Messianic Jews believe that their Messiah is Yeshua (Jesus) who is also God,
while for Jews the Messiah is not a divine being and cannot be Jesus because he
died before bringing the redemption.
The document also affirms the importance of the “Jewish Bible,” a term for the
that replaces the traditional “Old Testament,” which has a negative implication
as being replaced by the “New Testament.”
Cardinal Ratzinger was asked if Jews must, or should, acknowledge Jesus as the
Messiah, told an interviewer, “We believe that. The fact remains, however, that
our Christian conviction is that Christ is also the Messiah of Israel.”
The new Pope comes to lead as anti-Semitism appears to be increasing around
the world predominately from Muslim sources.
His acceptance of Israel, and the Jewish people should be applauded by
Messianics, and Christians who have a love for our Jewish brothers and sisters.
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